Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Georgetown, TX

It was still raining when we pulled into Berry Springs RV Park in Georgetown, Texas. Last time we were there it was about 90*, so it was nice to see it in a new light. It was also a lot more crowed this time. We hooked up to one of the last available sites and get set up. Unfortunately, our stuff wasn't cooperating. The car wouldn't start and the refrigerator wouldn't go on. The car turned out to be vapor locked, but Mark figured it out. And the fridge had blown a fuse, which Mark also fixed.  

While Mark was fixing everything, Judah got on his jacket and rain boots, pulled out all of his toys, and played in the puddles. He even got his bike out to ride through the puddles. He was having a lot of fun.

In the mean time, Mark went inside and cheered on the Packers in their playoff game. He was pretty excited! When it started to get cold out, Judah came in too and we all snuggled up in the warm RV.

That night was rough. Judah had a horrible cough that wouldn't give him a break. It was just cough after cough. He was gagging, couldn't sleep, and felt miserable. And every time he would cough, Sawyer would wake up and need to be nursed back to sleep. It was a rough night. But we needed to make it through because the next day I was planning to drive to Round Rock to visit Round Rock Donuts and try one of their Texas sized pastries. I had to park down the block and wait in line for about 20 minutes, but it was totally worth it. These donuts were AMAZING! And huge! Supposedly they weight two pounds! (Look in the background of this picture--you can see poor Judah in the throes of one of his coughing fits.) 

Here is the Texas donut next to a regular sized one. They were go good!

After the donuts, it was pretty clear that Judah wasn't going to stop coughing. It was constant and horrible. So I found a nearby urgent care and brought him in. His cough was so intense that he had to wear a little mask. I brought some books to read to him, but he said he just wanted to lay down. It was so sad. They ended up just saying that he had an upper respiratory infection, but they did prescribe him some codeine cough medicine.

We went next door to the CVS and filled the prescription, which I immediately administered. It took two doses to get the cough to calm down. He just lay in bed and watched Scooby-Doo and drank water until he finally gave into the exhaustion a few hours later. By the next day, he was feeling a million times better.   


  1. awe poor Judah (and the rest of you)...coughs are so hard. My kids LOVE Scooby-Doo! We could have a little Scooby-Doo movie party if you end up making up to Utah. Glad to hear Judah is feeling better!
    Okay, I love donuts! That is fantastic! I wish I could share it with you. Donuts have dairy in them so we never get them anymore :( it is too hard to eat those type of treats in front of Maggie because there is really not a great substitution..."here Maggie, have a piece of toast, while we eat donuts with pink sprinkles (sprinkled donuts are my all time favorite)). oh well...Did that one taste as good as it looked?

  2. That sucks! When I was dairy free with Sawyer for that year, donuts were one of the things I missed the most! I crave them like crazy when I am pregnant. It was funny, because there were four really pregnant women in line with me waiting to get some round rock donuts. And yes, they tasted delicious. It's nuts, the donuts in Texas are better than any donuts I have had anywhere else. Even their gas station donuts are amazing. It is like a mecca for donut lovers.

  3. are you getting better now? Pei Pa Koa ( ) is one of the few Chinese natural cough remedies that have been scientifically studied. it's something like herb plus honey, and it's sweet, thick and black in color. If you have a cough, look for it! It used to be one of my favourite natural cough remedies.

    if your cough persists, seek professional help such as traditional Chinese medicine physicians - I have had very good experiences with them.

  4. Thanks for the suggestion! We just had to use the prescription cough medicine for one night. Once he got some sleep, he was able to heal. Then we just hit him with some herbal immune booster. Everyone is feeling much better now. But I will definitely look into Pei Pa Koa for next time!

  5. Jen, I love the photo of you with the donut. Serious love. I'm saving it on my desktop so I can look at it when I miss you.

  6. Lush, I pretty much ate that entire donut by myself. And I would eat another one right now if I had one. I love donuts. And you.
