Sunday, October 10, 2010

Des Moines, IA

Living in such a small space definitely takes some getting used to.  I think the dogs might be the hardest off.  They never get any peace, the kids are constantly poking them with things, and their food and water are continually getting knocked over.  This morning, as Judah was trying to pick up the dog food he had just spilled, Sawyer methodically took out each piece and put it back on the floor.  Poor dogs...

We have spent the last couple of days in Des Moines at Cutty's RV Resort.  The campground is fine, but the playground is AWESOME!  Seriously.
There was a bumper car track that the boys used to race their bikes on.

Look how dirty he is!

He never actually made it down the slide, but he liked to climb up the ladder and pretend he was a fireman.

This kid is fearless.  He totally would have gone down the slide if we had let him.

This swing set was amazing.  It rotated around as you swung on it.  Judah got to be Superman. 
During the day today we checked out downtown Des Moines.  There was a lot going on.  We went to the weekly Bazaar and picked up some great finds.  A couple of blocks down there was a world food festival with tons of delicious food.  There was even a motorcycle rally!  And all of this was going on just blocks from the beautiful state capital. We had a great time.

Our booty...a baby present, some material for a curtain in the kitchen, an adorable headband, and a drug rug for Judah.
  After our downtown adventures, we went on a hunt for fire stations.  We have decided to collect fire department stickers from every city we visit.  Judah really digs the idea.  Today, it proved to be more difficult than we had imagined.  We crisscrossed the city and visited four fire stations before he scored a sticker.  And it didn't even specify where it was from.  But Judah got to see tons of fire trucks and meet a bunch of firemen in the process.

Tomorrow, after work, we are headed to Kansas City, MO for more adventures.


  1. Ohmygosh, I am soooooo excited to watch your adventures! This is AWESOME. I am inspired...and a bit jealous. :) ENJOY, Willackers!

  2. So I was just about to send this link to Jen dM. Figures she's all over it! I'm sooo happy you got the blog up. I've been thinking about you guys every waking moment!!! Went to the pumpkin farm yesterday and missed you terribly. Although it was about 100 degrees and the kids nearly melted on the hay ride.
